Thursday, January 14, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR...May 2016 be one of your best!

Last year was quite the year for so many family and many challenges, heartaches, losses, and near losses. I feel like my heart just hurt all year. I have missed being creative!! I am really trying to find my creative zone again, and have been working on finishing and starting some things. I have so many to just get them rolling. It is one of my great joys and sanities! Thank you so much to all of my family, and friends that haven't given up on me! Thank you for trying to stay in touch! Thank you for the love and support that you show me and my creations, and for your wonderful comments! I will do my best to return messages, and answer comments. heart emoticon I hope this year will bring you all things good! Love and hugs to you all! 

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